DC Testing also offers Cost Reduction Technologies (CRT) Isokinetic Pre-Employment Screening Services. This testing helps reduce the frequency and severity of MSD injuries.
Reduce the Frequency and Severity of MSD Injuries with Isokinetic Testing!
The Premise:
Employees who are not physically matched to job strength demands are more likely to incur musculoskeletal (MSD) injuries resulting in additional expenses and thus less profit for your bottom-line. Cost Reduction Technologies (CRT), provides an effective method for not only controlling but also reducing these costs.
The Solution:
CRT’s technology measures strength and range of motion for the knees, shoulders, and back and provides objective data in the form of graphs, charts, and an overall Body Index Score. This allows employers to confidently match the physical ability of an applicant to the physical requirements of the job during the interview process. Using CRT isokinetic testing will prevent you from hiring someone with a preexisting deficit that is likely to become your next work comp injury. At the same time, CRT isokinetic testing establishes pre-injury baselines that are used for post-injury assessments. Please call to make an appointment for your CRT.